展览  动漫美学双年展——叙事曲  返回




    展览的序幕由艺术家宋陵特别为展览定制的一张张充满诗意的肖像绘画,以独特的言语叙述回望走过的来时路,从吴俊勇形态张扬的帝国异兽到马良的风格奇幻的非传统木偶剧 ;周啸虎、陆平原和徐敏,分别以光与影,录像和雕塑作为媒介的新媒体装置,动漫美学双年展,从当代的架上,雕塑到探索动画、漫画和游戏所塑造的虚拟与实境。以当代至未来的时间跨度为主线,结合数字化世界、生物工程、电子媒体及游戏交互等元素,谱写出远瞩未来新世纪美学发展、反映当下年轻世代文化的叙事曲。
    MoCA Shanghai will hold the opening ceremony for the Sixth "Animamix Biennale—Ballade" on May 26. It will begin with a history of the past "Animamix Biennale." The unique concept introduced by artist Song Ling uses poetic portraits which were created especially for the exhibition. From Wu Junyong's abstract empires and rare beasts to Ma Liang's fantastic puppet show; Zhou Xiaohu, Lu Pingyuan and Xu Min present new media installations using light, shadow, video and sculpture as mediums. The exploration produced by Animamix Biennale ranges from contemporary paintings and sculptures to the virtual and real worlds created by animation, cartoon, and games. Spanning from the present to the future, the artworks created for the Ballade look to the development of the aesthetics of the future and reflect the contemporary social culture, featuring elements such as Digital World, Bioengineering, Digital Media and Interactive Gaming.

    Another highlight of the exhibition is the game themed, " Paused-Mind Zone”. Curator Shenchuchu and Li Zhengzhong regard it as the imagination of the future world: "' Paused-Mind Zone ' creates a complete Ballede: 2300, the Earth will collapse and mankind will be lost. People will have to abandon their organic human bodies, replace their neural network with the computer neural network, and their consciousness will into the ' Paused-Mind Zone.' This transformation of the human race into non-organic bioengineering is known as the "Virtual Migration." By 2310, the 'Virtual Migration' will be completed, organic life will be extinct, and the total online number of Paused-Mind Zone’ will match the total number of mankind. ' Paused-Mind Zone ' upgrades and becomes the 'Planet of Consciousness.' With its rich stories and unique interactive design, " Paused-Mind Zone " allows the visitors to travel between the virtual world and the real world. The curators incorporated wheelchairs into the viewing of the exhibition, in hopes of breaking the conventional viewing experience and inspiring a new take on the exhibition.

    Gong Mingguang, director of the Shanghai Museum of Contemporary Art, believes "the aim of the Animamix Biennale is to open up a new concept of Animamix for the public from the perspective of ‘traditional narrative method + contemporary story content.’ The exhibition also breaks the conventional idea of animation with its diverse artworks. We are very grateful to the artists who have enriched our narrative by customizing entirely new works for the exhibition."

    In order to better present the works of young cartoonists, MoCA Shanghai will the MoCA Pavilion (West Nanjing Rd.) to display cartoon works, encouraging more and more young artists and cartoonists come to join in the Animamix Movement of the new era.




    1: 为什么以一个游戏的设定来策划本次动漫美学展

    2: 对于本次展览的艺术作品的选择理念是什么?

    3: 对于动漫美学的概念,作为策展人的认知是什么