展览  印象派作品群展  返回


策展人:Jennifer Thompson




    展览亮点包括雷诺阿的《大浴女》(Large Bathers)、梵高的两幅风格迥异的作品(均创作于1888年),还有塞尚的素描本(上一次在本馆展出还是1989年)等。

    Although they are regarded first and foremost as painters, the Impressionists were equally dedicated to making and exhibiting drawings, pastels, and sculptures. Over a quarter of the work exhibited in their group shows were on paper. The exhibition explores Impressionist paintings, watercolors, drawings, and sculptures together, demonstrating the versatility, experimentation, and innovation of these artists and the fluidity with which they moved from one medium to another.

    Approximately 70 Impressionist and Post-Impressionist works by Manet, Degas, Monet, Pissarro, Sisley, Renoir, Morisot, Cassatt, Seurat, Cézanne, Van Gogh, Toulouse-Lautrec, Rodin, drawn largely from the collection will be on view. The exhibition will explore the perspective and originality that the Impressionists brought to landscapes, still lifes, portraits, nudes, and scenes of modern life. Cropping, unusual angles, flattened grounds, vibrant color, and vigorous brushwork are tools these artists used to add a startling modern angle to their painting and drawing.

    Among the highlights will be a close examination of a major work by Renoirr wor his Large Bathers. Two drawings by Van Gogh—both from 1888 but worked in very different styles—demonstrate how he created large-scale drawings in an exaggerated “painterly” style for the art market or transformed his paintings into meticulous drawings as gifts for friends. Pages from Cézanne’s sketchbooks, last disdplayed at the Museum in 1989, will be on view.